EDM 310 Class Blog

Monday, July 16, 2012

Coordinatied School Health Program

Coordinated School Health Program

 Cass County, North Dakota

 By: Shelby Owen, Stephanie, and Greta Miller

Step 1

School Health Coordinator: Stanley Cooper

Stanley Cooper started off as a high school teacher at Evergreen High School in Colorado.  The subject he taught was anatomy. Stanley Cooper was always interested in the human body, but became more interested in health when his wife and he had a son who was diagnosed with diabetes as a young child. After that happened to his son he not only was the anatomy teacher at his school but also started health programs there. As the years went he discovered he enjoyed spending his time teaching people about health and nutrition. He then began to develop a Health and Nutrition group within his county of Jefferson in Colorado. His health and nutrition group grew more than anyone in the county expected and in result got the attention of Cass County in North Dakota. Although Cass County has a Food, Nutrition, and Health Program Stanley Cooper has been hired to provide Cass County schools with extra knowledge about health and nutrition, to put on programs, and activities for the schools. Stanley Cooper has eight other board members working with him to spread the knowledge about health and nutrition. He will hold School Health Council meetings on the first Thursday of every month, and will also have presentations for the School Board the second Monday of every month. These presentations will tell the School Board what programs and activities will be going on in Cass County high schools the following month. Stanley Cooper plans on going to each high school in the county and teaching them about Myplate as one of his programs. An example of one of his activities is holding a carnival, one day out of the year for each school, in the summer, that has many different physical activities to do such as: three-legged race, hula hooping competition, tug a war, bike races, and more. Also at this carnival it will not have carnival junk food but nutrition fun food and at each station there will be a sign that says what carnival food this replaces and how many less calories it is and what it does for your body. We will do activities like this during the kids physical education classes at the beginning of the year to start the kids off with a positive attitude about physical education classes. To let you know Stanley Cooper a little more we will provide some information about him: he is Caucasian, a male, a Republican, he is 41, is married, and has 2 kids. 

Step 2

Brooks Bollinger is from Bismarck, North Dakota. He has decided to dedicate some of his time to Cass County Coordinated School Health Program because he know the obesity is a problem for America, but he wants to fight it off the best he can and has decided to help Cass County. Brooks Bollinger played college football at the University of Wisconsin and went on to get drafted by the New York Jets. By getting someone who has succeeded in life and made his name known into the high schools of Cass County will make students listen to what Brooks Bollinger has to say about health and nutrition. He will visit schools in Cass County once every year to talk about the importance of eating right and exercising.

 The State of Maine Learning Results says students will understand how to reduce their health risks through the practice of healthy behaviors. We believe that our Coordinated School Health Program will teach the county of Cass the same thing through activities and programs, like Brooks Bollinger coming to talk to students and the carnival idea. That way we will teach the idea of importance of health and fitness but have fun.

Meetings: What: The meetings that will be held will discuss how well the program is doing, improvements that can be made, if the current programs and activities are working to improve education about health and nutrition, and answer any questions about the program.

                        Location: Cass County Board of Education

                        When: School Health Council meetings on the first Thursday of every month starting August and end in May

                        Time: 6:00 p.m.  

Will Consist of:

·          Getting the support of the community so they will fund some of the activities we have planned.

·          Show how physical education that has been cut from some schools and how it affected that school.

Step 3


·          On the homepage of Cass County’s website, www.casscountynd.gov, there will be a advertisement telling the people of Cass County what the Coordinated Health Plan has planned for Cass County schools.

·           There will also be a advertisement in Cass County Reporter listing the time and date of the meeting.

·          There will be three billboards spaced accordingly in Cass County


                  Cass County Schools

“Teaching Students Exercise can be FUN!”

           Meeting for Public: Cass County Board of Education

                  August 8, 2011          6:30

Step 4

Board Members (8):

 Carter Williams: Businessman in Cass County

 Betsy Miller: President of PTA in Central Cass High School/Parent

Clay Simpson: Basketball Coach of West Fargo High School/Parent

Michel Mann: Physical education teacher at Sullivan Middle School

Kelsey Hollis: Involved with PTA at North High School/Parent

Wayne Long: Businessman in Cass County/Parent

Scott Wagner: Commissioner in the Cass County Government

Cory Steiner: Principle of West Fargo High School

There are five districts and one person will be on each district, except for the three largest districts will have two board members on those districts. All board members will teach each district the same concepts of health and fitness except if one district has a specific need. Each district will have the same activities as well as the same amount of activities. By assigning one, or two, board members to a district it allows for each school in those districts to get personal attention.

Step 5

Our vision for the Coordinated School Health Plan is to focus on Physical Education and Physical Activity. In doing so we belief we will better our P.E. classes and make our kids of Cass County enjoy exercising and show them there are many different ways to exercise.

The things listed below are going to lead us in the right direction of improving Physical Education and Physical Activity.

·          Improving P.E. classes

o    High school, Middle school, and Elementary

§   The Physical Education teachers will attend the Nutrition and Health Conference every year.

§   The Physical Education teachers must take their students outside 4 days a week during the months of August-October and March-May.

§   Have a Physical Fitness Test at beginning and end of each school year.

o    High School

§   Learn about a new sport every week: Baseball, Football, Rugby, Badminton, ect.

§   Practice the new sport you have learned for the week.

§   Have a short test on the rules of the game for the sport you learned that week

§   Once a month have a scavenger hunt and the clues be about the games you learned that month

o    Middle School

§   Learn about a new sport every week: Baseball, Football, Rugby, Badminton, ect.

§   Practice the new sport you learn for the week.

§   Have a day once a month that the kids vote on their favorite sport for the month and get to play it.

o    Elementary School

§   Learn about a new basic sport every two weeks: Baseball, Volleyball, Football, Soccer, ect.

§   On Fridays have station day, each kid as a station with a fun activity and after ten minutes they rotate to a new station.

·          Carnival Day

o    High school, Middle school, and Elementary School will have it.

o    There will be fun activities set up like tug-a-war, three-legged races, basketball free throw competition, and many more.

o    There will be tables set up that have healthy food at them and on each table there will be a sign that says what this healthy snack or drink replaces at a carnival and what are the benefits of eating the healthy one verses the non healthy one.

·          Brooks Bollinger

o    He will come and talk about how P.E. influenced his life and promote physical fitness.

·          Have a survey at the end of each school year and ask the students if they belief the Physical Education class at their school was necessary and fun.

Step 6

            Show this chart to committee and tell them if we do not get Physical Education up to satisfactory needs then it will soon be taken away from the students. Those counties who have Physical Education should take full advantage of it.

Figure 7. Percentage of U.S. high school students attending daily physical education classes. Data from the Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance System, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (14). [A text description of this chart is also available.]

How effective are school PE programs in preventing obesity and promoting physical activity? School boards are receiving mixed messages about PE. On one hand, government organizations like the CDC recommend that all schools require daily PE for all students from kindergarten through 12th grade. On the other hand, the predominant conclusion emerging from research studies is that typical school PE is of low quality when compared with ideal PE instruction. School boards, principals, and teachers facing other competing goals, especially academic achievement, may conclude that if existing PE is of limited value, it should be abolished or at least reduced in favor of other academic instruction. However, PE in elementary schools as currently implemented nationwide (and not ideal instruction) plays an important role in containing excess weight gain among girls (13).

·          Health is when we eat correctly, develop healthy exercise and postural habits and combine these with maintaining a positive outlook.

·          Health Components

o    Physical, Emotional, Social, Environmental, Mental, and Spiritual

·          Community- a social group of any size who share government

·          Partnership- an association that has a common goal and come together because of that goal

We will have a committee party at the end of each year and the district that got the best score on the yearly survey will win a free dinner to the place of their chose.

                                                     Works Cited

1 comment:

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